Discussion Text

kemaren dapet tugas bahasa inggris dari Mam Tapiana. Bikin presentasi tentang "Discussion Text". Karna udah dapet intisari dan apa yang bakal dibikin (minus contoh teksnya), ini mau share dikit tentang "Discussion Text" :)

Discussion Text

is a process to find the meet point between two different ideas

A. Social Function
- used to look at more than one side of an issue. It allow us to explore.
- Various perspective before coming to an informed decision

B. Generic Structure 1
- Issue
a. Statement
b. Preview
- Argument for Againts or Statement of differing point of view
a. Point
b. Elaboration

C. Generic Structure 2
- Issue : what issue is going to be discussed. This must drive problematic discussion from different points of view
- Supporting Arguments : present the argument to support that one point is agreeing
- Againts Arguments : the arguments which disagree to the issue

D. Language Feature
- Use thinking, verb, feel, hope, believe
- Use additive, contrastive, and causal connection
- Use adverbial of manner ; hopefully, derberately, etc
- Use modalities ; must, should, could, may, etc

okeh.. semoga bermanfaat. tar kalo example nya udah selesai, insyaAllah posting lagi deh. tq yaaa, babaaaaayyy ;;)

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